How to change your Shopify store name

How to Change Your Shopify Store Name

Shopify is a popular e-commerce platform that allows entrepreneurs to launch and manage online stores. When setting up a Shopify store, choosing a name is an essential part of the process. However, over time, you may realize that your chosen name no longer reflects your brand identity or does not resonate with your customers.

Fortunately, Shopify allows you to change your store name at any time. In this article, I will guide you through the steps involved in changing your Shopify store name and provide some tips to make the transition as smooth as possible. So whether you need a complete rebranding or a slight adjustment to your store name, keep reading to learn how to change your Shopify store name.

Step 1: Backup Your Shopify Store Data


Changing your Shopify store name can be a daunting task, and it’s essential to make sure all your data is backed up correctly before you start. Taking this precaution will ensure that you don’t lose any critical information when you are changing your store name.

Why You Need to Backup Your Store Data?

Shopify has a built-in backup system that automatically saves your store data. However, it’s always good practice to take an extra backup of your store data before making any significant changes like changing the store name. When you change your store name, it can lead to losing some SEO ranking, and taking a backup can help you to roll back all the data if anything goes wrong.

How to Backup Your Store Data?

Backing up your Shopify store’s data is easy. You can do it directly from the Shopify admin portal by following the below steps:

  1. Login to your Shopify account and click on the “Settings” option on the left panel.

  2. From the Settings, select the “Backup” option.

  3. On the Backup page, you can select the data range which you want to backup.

  4. Finally, click on the “Download” button and all the selected data will be downloaded to your computer.

Alternatively, you can use third-party backup apps to save your data. Some popular backup apps available for Shopify are Rewind, Backup Pro, and BackupBear. These tools enable you to restore your data quickly if anything goes wrong.


In conclusion, backing up your Shopify store’s data is a crucial step when changing the store name. Shopify has an in-built backup system, but it’s still good practice to take an extra backup before proceeding further. This will ensure that you don’t lose your critical data, and you can quickly restore it if needed.

When changing the name of a Shopify store, it is essential to understand the Store Naming Policy of Shopify. This policy details the rules that need to be followed while changing the store name, and violating them can result in account suspension or closure. Therefore, it is essential to verify the policy and ensure that the new name aligns with Shopify’s guidelines to avoid any potential complications.

Shopify’s Store Naming Policy states that the store name must be unique, original, and relevant to the business or brand. It must not infringe upon any trademarks or copyrights, nor should it include any profanity or offensive language. Additionally, the store name must not imply any false information or claims, such as unauthorized affiliation with a well-known brand or public figure.

To verify Shopify’s Store Naming Policy, follow these steps:

Step 1: Visit Shopify’s Help Center

Go to Shopify’s Help Center by clicking on the “Help Center” option located in the bottom right corner of the Shopify dashboard.

Step 2: Search for Store Naming Policy

Search for “Store Naming Policy” in the search bar, or navigate to the “Policies and Legal” section and select “Store Policies.”

Step 3: Read the Store Naming Policy

Read through the entire Store Naming Policy to become familiar with the guidelines and restrictions. Ensure that your proposed store name aligns with all requirements.

Step 4: Contact Shopify Support if Necessary

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Store Naming Policy or need clarification on any of the guidelines, reach out to Shopify Support for assistance.

By following Shopify’s guidelines and verifying the Store Naming Policy, store owners can ensure that their store name is compliant and aligned with Shopify’s policies. This will prevent any unnecessary complications or account suspension down the line.

To change the name of your Shopify store, you will need to access the Shopify Admin Panel. This is where you can make all kinds of changes to your store, from adjusting prices to changing the layout of your homepage. Here’s how to access it:

Step 3: Access the Shopify Admin Panel

  1. First, log in to your Shopify account using your email address and password.

  2. Once you’re logged in, click on the “Settings” tab at the bottom left-hand corner of your dashboard.

  3. From there, click on “General” to open up the general settings menu.

  4. Scroll down until you see the “Store details” section. This is where you can change your store name, along with other information such as your store’s email address and physical address.

  5. In the “Store name” field, enter your new store name. Keep in mind that this name will be displayed throughout your store, so make sure it accurately reflects your brand.

  6. Click “Save” to save your changes.

  7. Once you’ve saved your changes, your store name will be updated immediately.

Notably, it’s important to keep in mind that changing your store name can have an impact on your store’s SEO, as well as on your branding and customer recognition. In some cases, it may be better to create a new store altogether rather than just changing the name of an existing store. However, if you’ve carefully considered the implications and still want to change your store name, the steps above will help you get it done quickly and easily.

Thanks for the reminder! Here’s the section on “Step 4: Change Your Shopify Store Name”:

Step 4: Change Your Shopify Store Name

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the fourth step of changing your Shopify store name. This step is where you’ll finally change your store’s name to the one you’ve chosen. Follow the simple steps below to get it done.

  1. From your Shopify admin dashboard, click on “Settings”.
  2. Select the “General” option.
  3. Scroll down to the “Store details” section.
  4. In the “Store name” field, type in the new name you want for your store.
  5. Click “Save” and you’re done!

It’s important to note that your store’s original URL will not change, even if you change the name. However, your store’s name will appear differently in certain places, such as on the checkout page and in customer emails. Make sure to check those areas to ensure your new store name shows up correctly.

Also, keep in mind that changing your store name may affect your brand identity, SEO, and customer recognition. It’s a good idea to inform your customers and followers of the change through your social media channels and email newsletters to avoid confusion.

Overall, changing your Shopify store name is a straightforward process. Just remember to double-check all areas of your store to ensure your new name is appearing correctly. Good luck!

Got it, thank you for the reminder. Here is the “Conclusion” section for the article on “How to Change Shopify Store Name”:


In conclusion, changing the name of your Shopify store is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. Whether you’re rebranding your business, updating your store’s name for better SEO, or simply want a fresh start, Shopify makes it easy to change your store’s name without losing any of your data or sales history.

Before you change your store’s name, be sure to consider the impact it will have on your branding and SEO. Choose a name that accurately represents your business and is easy to remember and spell. Once you’ve decided on a new name, follow the steps outlined in this article to update your store’s name and ensure a seamless transition for your customers.

Remember, changing your store’s name is just one small step in building a successful online business. Keep focusing on providing a great customer experience, marketing your products effectively, and growing your brand to achieve long-term success in the e-commerce world.

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