How to Fix “ERROR Index Of / Name Last Modified Size Description” on Your Shopify Store

How to Fix “ERROR Index Of / Name Last Modified Size Description” on Your Shopify Store

If you’re seeing the message “ERROR Index Of / Name Last Modified Size Description” on your Shopify store, then you’re probably experiencing an issue with your storefront. This message is a typical error that appears when your home page or other pages on your website can’t be accessed properly. Fortunately, there are a few things you can try to fix the issue and get your website back online.

One potential cause of this error is a missing index file on your website. This can happen if the file was deleted or removed, or if there was an error during an update. In this case, you can try adding a new index file to your website to replace the old one. Another possible cause of the “ERROR Index Of /” message is an issue with your website’s .htaccess file, which is responsible for directing traffic within your site. This can happen if the file is missing or corrupted, or if there are errors in the code. Fortunately, there are a few ways to fix this issue as well.

Common Causes of the ERROR Index Of / Name Last Modified Size Description on Shopify

If you are experiencing the “ERROR Index Of / Name Last Modified Size Description” on your Shopify store, it can be frustrating and confusing. There are a few common causes for this error, and understanding them can help you resolve the issue quickly.

Incorrect File or Folder Name

The most common cause of the “ERROR Index Of / Name Last Modified Size Description” is an incorrect file or folder name. This can happen if you have renamed a file or folder and the new name is not recognized by your website. You can fix this issue by ensuring that the file or folder name is correct and matches what is referenced in your code.

Missing Index File

Another possible cause of the error is a missing index file. Your website needs an index file to properly load and display content. If the index file is missing, the server will return the “ERROR Index Of / Name Last Modified Size Description”. To resolve this issue, you can create a new index file and ensure that it is named correctly and located in the correct directory.

File Permissions

In some cases, file permissions can cause the error. If the server does not have the correct permissions to access a file or folder, it will not be able to load it and will return the “ERROR Index Of / Name Last Modified Size Description”. You can check and adjust permissions for individual files or folders using your website hosting control panel or FTP client.

Server Configuration

Finally, server configuration can also be the cause of the “ERROR Index Of / Name Last Modified Size Description”. If the server is not configured properly, it may not be able to handle requests for files or folders. This can be a more complex issue to resolve, but you can contact your website hosting provider or seek assistance from a web developer to resolve server configuration issues.

Understanding these common causes of the “ERROR Index Of / Name Last Modified Size Description” can help you find and fix the issue quickly. If you are still experiencing the error after attempting to resolve it on your own, seek assistance from your website hosting provider or a qualified web developer.

Steps to Fixing the ERROR Index Of / Name Last Modified Size Description on Shopify

If you encounter an “Index Of / Name Last Modified Size Description” error message on your Shopify store, don’t worry because it can be resolved. Here are the steps you should take to fix the issue:

  1. Check the file name: Ensure that the file name of the product image or file you are trying to upload doesn’t contain any special characters or spaces. Replace any special characters or spaces with hyphens or underscores.

  2. Check the file format: Shopify accepts a limited number of file formats for product images and files. Ensure that the file format is compatible with Shopify’s requirements. Also, check the file size and dimension.

  3. Clear your cache and cookies: Sometimes, your browser cache and cookies can cause issues when uploading files to your Shopify store. Clear your cache and cookies, close your browser, and try again.

  4. Use a different browser: If clearing your cache and cookies doesn’t work, try using a different browser to upload your product images or files.

  5. Contact Shopify Support: If none of the above steps work, contact Shopify Support. Their team of experts can help you troubleshoot and fix the issue.

It’s important to note that preventing this issue from happening in the first place is key. Double-check your file names and formats before uploading them to your Shopify store. This can save you time and prevent headaches in the future.

In the table below, you can see the maximum file size and dimensions allowed for product images and files in Shopify:

File TypeMax File SizeMax Dimensions
Images (JPG, PNG, GIF)20 MB4472 x 4472 px
3D Models200 MBN/A
Videos (MP4)2 GBN/A

By following these steps, you can successfully fix the “Index Of / Name Last Modified Size Description” error message on your Shopify store and avoid it from happening in the future.

Prevent the Occurrence of Error Index Of / Name Last Modified Size Description on Shopify

Dealing with an error on your Shopify store such as “ERROR Index Of / Name Last Modified Size Description” can be overwhelming for most store owners. While there are ways to fix this error, it’s best to prevent it from occurring in the first place. In this section, we’ll go over some tips to help you prevent the occurrence of this error on Shopify.

  1. Keep your store up to date: Always make sure that your Shopify store and all of its apps and plugins are updated. This is because outdated versions may contain bugs and errors that can trigger the “ERROR Index Of / Name Last Modified Size Description” error. Update your store regularly to avoid such issues.

  2. Avoid making changes to your store’s files: Making changes to your store’s files can cause the “ERROR Index Of / Name Last Modified Size Description” error to occur, especially if you don’t have a proper understanding of coding. Avoid editing your store’s files, especially theme files, unless it’s necessary. If you must make changes, make sure to create a backup of your store’s files to avoid losing important data.

  3. Be cautious when installing new apps and plugins: Ensure that any apps and plugins you install on your Shopify store are from a reliable source. Installing apps or plugins from unverified sources can introduce errors and vulnerabilities on your store, leading to problems such as the “ERROR Index Of / Name Last Modified Size Description” error.

  4. Ensure that your images and files are appropriately named: Always give your images and files appropriate names that are easy to understand. Avoid using too many symbols or special characters in your file names as this can interfere with your store’s indexing and cause errors like “ERROR Index Of / Name Last Modified Size Description.”

By following these simple steps, you can reduce the risk of encountering the “ERROR Index Of / Name Last Modified Size Description” error on Shopify. If you’re already dealing with this error, however, don’t panic. There are ways to fix it, and Shopify has excellent customer support to help you out.


To solve the ERROR Index Of / Name Last Modified Size Description issue on your Shopify store, you’ll need to take some troubleshooting steps. Remember to always backup your store before making any changes to your theme code. Here’s a quick summary of the steps we’ve covered:

  1. Check your file permissions and ensure they are set to 755 for folders and 644 for files.
  2. Ensure your index file is present and named correctly as “index.html” or “index.php”.
  3. Check your .htaccess file for any errors or redirects that may be causing the issue.
  4. Use an FTP client to delete all files in the affected directory and re-upload them.
  5. If using a custom domain, ensure it is set up correctly and properly pointed to your Shopify store.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the ERROR Index Of / Name Last Modified Size Description issue on your Shopify store. If you’re still experiencing issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to Shopify support for further assistance.

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